Road of Wine and Flavors

  • vigneti seggiano
  • vino seggiano
  • sito turismo seggiano toscana

THE MONTECUCCO WINE AND SAPORI D’AMIATA ROAD, is a reality born with the aim of promoting not only wine, but all the typical and traditional products of the territory of the ten Amiata Municipalities that are part of it, in a tourist and commercial key, including the town of Seggiano.
The presence of Monte Amiata creates favorable climatic conditions for the cultivation of vines and olives in the hills towards the Ombrone valley, just as the mountain itself is the ideal terrain for other products such as chestnuts, mushrooms and truffles.
This is why the area has an enviable agri-food quality:
Wine, with the Montecucco DOC established in 1998, is one of the main products, but alongside it other important productions emerge such as the precious Seggiano DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the Castagna del Monte Amiata PGI which obtained European recognition in 2000 and again, among the certified products we find the production of Pecorino Toscano DOP. And then again honey, truffles, mushrooms, pure Maremma saffron, Roccalbegna salted biscuit, salami and wild boar sausage.

The visitor can then travel the different itineraries of the Wine Route, by car but also on foot, by bicycle or on horseback, stopping at local restaurants, wine bars or visiting the producers for a direct tasting of the products and a visit to the cellars. and to the mills.

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