Author: Admin

The Maciarine born in Seggiano in 2005 in an environment particularly suited to viticulture and of great landscape value. the first vines were planted immediately placed a slight slope that leads down to the Orcia between 330 and 400 meters above sea level. Four hectares, geared...

The Niccolini family manages the Terre d'Orcia Hotel, the Il Cacciatore Restaurant and the Niccolini Farm. The hotel is located in the d.o.c. del Montecucco just a few minutes from the Brunello di Montalcino and Orcia wine areas, where you can discover many traditional gastronomic...

Produced by the farm Ciacci Anna, Abbraccio oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins as can be used daily for cooking and dressing to gain benefit of all the nutritional proprieties. It is also easy to digest and perfect for child development. There is a high...

Poggio Mandorlo Wine Estate is located inside the Montecucco DOCG area, at the crossroads of Val d’Orcia and the outposts of Maremmas’ hilly region. vineyards were planted at different times and utilized selected and rare Merlot and Cabernet Franc clones which originate in Saint-Emilion (the...

Castello di Potentino is a medieval castle first mentioned in 1042. Set in the unspoilt valley under Monte Amiata known by locals as the Conca d’Oro, the castle is a working farm and Residenza d’Epoca/bed and breakfast. You are welcome to book in to stay...

In Poggio Ferro di Seggiano the De Triachi family has always lived and worked in symbiosis with their land. A story of family roots. Like the millenary stories of the vine and the olive tree that identify this land where the Triachi have lived for...

Agricola Niccolini si trova in Toscana, nel territorio del Montecucco DOCG, di fronte all'antico borgo di Seggiano (Gr). It is said that At the end of the 1400s, a soldier of fortune, in the pay of a local gentleman, arrives in the territory of Seggiano, and,...

It was in the early 1900s when the ancestors Ulisse Casamenti, coming from Maremma, and his wife Giulia bought the "Bellaria" farm on the slopes of Monte Amiata. The same farm where, still today, the Casamenti heirs are committed, with the same passion and dedication...

An excellent , tasty and harmonious oil , born from ancient traditions and a deep knowledge of the Seggianese territory . “Il Colombaio” oil is not a simple condiment, but a unique oil capable of enhancing many dishes or in turn becoming the protagonist of...

a Seggianese Società Cooperativa Agricola was born in Seggiano, a small village lying on the slopes of the Monte Amiata and center of the homonymous Dop, with thewill to create an "heart" of olive oil production. lmmersed in the postcard T uscany, the Cooperative aspires...

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