The Potentino Castle

  • seggiano potentino castello

The Potentino castle stands on the right bank of the Vivo stream, a few kilometers from the center of Seggiano, and can be reached by crossing the suggestive “Valley of the olive trees”. The castle passed during its long history (the first attestation dates back to 1042) under numerous owners. In 1209 it was a possession of the Bishop of Chiusi before submitting to Siena in 1213. The castle then passed to some Sienese families – among which the Salimbeni who hosted Santa Caterina on their way to Montegiovi stand out – to the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala and in 1600 to the Bourbon del Monte marquises and after about three centuries to the Swiss Antonio Hemmler . It was recently bought and restored by the Greene family, who gave new life to the building’s ancient traditions. In the Middle Ages the events of the place proceeded parallel to those of Seggiano. During the 14th century, Potentino became a holiday resort and administrative center for a farm, passing from one Sienese family to another, but retains some feudal rights and a certain autonomy.
Visiting the castle today it is difficult to identify traces of the oldest nucleus and all the structures seem to be part of a sixteenth-century reconstruction with probable extension, carried out by the Venturi family. The heart of the castle is reached through a large portal with drafts on the outside that opens onto a square with the L-shaped building in front of it. On the left remains the church of S. Antonio da Padova. At the center of the courtyard there is a beautiful sixteenth-century well in travertine. The facade of the stately home is characterized by its grandeur with a monumental effect. In the main body two other wings of the building are grafted on the back. The atrium leads to the upper floors via a monumental staircase. Unique are the fireplaces, especially the huge one in the kitchen and in the main room on the first floor.
For much of the last century it remained the property of local families until it reached the current owners who restored the castle and created olive groves and vineyards in the surrounding area from which the “Sacromonte” del Potentino is obtained.

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