olio seggiano


Born from the cultivation of Olivastra Seggianese, a fine cultivar, Seggiano DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the product that most of all makes Seggiano a famous area. The quality of this olive oil is unique. It is marked by the presence of maximum total acidity not exceeding 0.5% and a high degree of preservation.

The Consorzio Olio Seggiano DOP (visit the website), was created for his protection.

castagne Monte Amiata seggiano


Considered “the bread of the poor people”, the chestnut has always represented an important resource for the economy of the populations of Monte Amiata and until the mid-1900s it was also a major source of livelihood. The varieties of the Chestnut of Monte Amiata are: cecio, Marrone and Bastarda Rossa. The Association Castagna del Monte Amiata IGP (visit the website) was born in 2000 in order to protect and value the Chestnut of Monte Amiata PGI and the territory connected to it. .

vigna seggiano


The Municipality of Seggiano is part, together with other municipalities of the Maremma hilly hinterland, of the Montecucco DOCG. The Montecucco area is characterized by particular climatic conditions given by its proximity to Monte Amiata and is particularly suitable for the cultivation of Sangiovese. There are several local wine producers in this area. To promote this product in a tourist and commercial key, La Strada del Vino Montecucco (link) was born which, with the numerous itineraries among the ten municipalities that are part of it, offers the visitor the opportunity to discover by car, but also on foot, by bicycle or on horseback, the wineries and producers.

pecorino seggiano Monte Amiata


A product that comes from the combination of tradition and innovation. The Seggiano cheese factory, thanks to manufacturing process step with time and local milk, produces a wide variety of cheese, ranging from the freshest to the seasoned, among which, the famous Pecorino Toscano DOP stands out

Visit Caseificio Seggiano’s website.

ciliegia seggiano


It is one of the dearest expensive product for the people of Seggiano, who celebrate it every year with the Cherry Festival. The cherries that are produced in Seggiano are mainly of two varieties: the “maggiaiole”, small and good both natural and used in confectionery preparations, and the “sour cherries”, from which you get a very good liqueur.

miele seggiano


Honey is one of the typical products of Monte Amiata.

There are many producers who make a quality product: from chestnut honey to wildflower honey; this product carries within it the scents of Amiata.

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